
Information pamphlet for 3D/4D Ultrasound

 The conventional 2D ultrasound images are produced from only one plane(angle) which gives the conventional flat black & white or coloured images of baby.

How Does 3D/4D Ultrasound Differ From 2D Ultrasound?

In 3D ultrasound the images are generated from multiple slices in all the three planes(angles) which creates a more detailed three dimensional images of your baby.

4D ultrasound is a step ahead also known as 3D live ultrasound which includes real time & allow parents to watch their baby in action, doing things such as sucking thumb, smiling, yawning or kicking.

Is 3D/4D Ultrasound Safe?

Ultrasound technoloy has been used by health care providers for last 30 years with no proven harmful biological effects 0n mother or on growth & development of the babies.

3D/4D ultra sound uses the same intensity of scanning as conventional 2D ultra sound which makes it safe.

When Is The Best Time To Get A 3D/4D Scan Of Baby Done?

Best time to schedule a 3D/4D ultrasound is between 23-28 weeks

What Other Things Should I Consider?

The success of 0btaining clear images of your baby depends on various factors including stage of your pregnancy as well as position of baby during the exam.

Another important factor for a successful 3D/4D ultrasound is the amount of amniotic fluid present. A good amniotic fluid volume at the time of ultrasound provides a good room in the womb & hence assist in capturing the best images of baby.

Please remember that each pregnancy is different & not all images will be the same. Therefore sample images available on internet or television or advertisement usually highlights a sonologist’s best work but do not necessarily represent the norm. Also remember, your little one may not want to cooperate on the date of your ultrasound in that case you may have to wait or return on the later date when position has changed. Don’t be discouraged if this occurs.

Ultimately you should choose an imaging center that will provide a comfortable atmosphere with highly trained professionals & state of the art equipment, but more importantly this experience should focus on creating & documenting a memorable introduction & bonding with your little one.

Good luck on your amazing journey of parenthood.