Digital X-Ray


Digital X-Ray

About Digital X-Ray

An X-ray is a quick, painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body- particularly your bones, lungs, and kidney stones.

What Is Digital X-Ray?

Digital X-ray is an advanced form of X-ray, which produces a computerized digital X-ray image instantly on a computer. Digital X-rays produce 80% less radiation than traditional X-rays. For some types of X-ray tests, a contrast medium – such as iodine or barium – is introduced into your body to provide greater detail on the images such as a study of the uterus, urethra, urine bag, ureters, kidneys, intestines, etc. The very low radiation doses absorbed during imaging procedures generally produce no adverse effects.

X-rays must be avoided in pregnancy to avoid potential harm to the unborn child.

X-ray facilities available at our center are Digital X-rays of chest, abdomen, kidney-urethra-bladder (KUB), spine, different bones and joints.